Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic medical practice that has been used in China for over 3,000 years. Based on Qi, the ancient Chinese theory of the flow of energy, acupuncture and herbal medicine serve to establish equilibrium, correcting any imbalance of energy flow throughout distinct meridians of the body. Ultimately, attaining such balance and harmony in the body results in positive physiological changes that resolve a wide range of acute and chronic conditions.
Influencing the body physiologically, acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine, sterile needles into the body. Frequency of treatment varies according to the patient's condition and the duration and severity of the health concern at hand. During treatment, some patients feel energized, while others feel relaxed enough to fall sleep. Patients frequently report a sense of peace and well-being after a treatment.
The herbs we prescribe are formulated specifically for each patient and their individual needs. Each prescription includes a variety of different herbs in specific combinations to effectively address the patient’s medical condition. Our herbal formulas include only high-quality herbs that have been processed without sulfur, chlorine, aluminum phosphate, and other preservatives. In addition, they have been chemically analyzed for heavy metals and pesticides.
Dennis D. Lee, MSc LAc, PharmD RPH, has been practicing acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine since 2001. He holds a Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is licensed by the state of California. He also holds a Doctor of Pharmacy from UCSF and is a California registered pharmacist.
Working closely with other medical professionals, Dr. Lee’s background in both Eastern and Western medicine not only allows him to provide the highest quality of care for his patients but enables him to bring a thoughtful and balanced perspective to his treatments and overall practice.
Our practice specializes in pain management, cancer related issues, gastrointestinal related issues, women's health, longevity, and more.